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How are we already on the fourth YAMA? Also, I bet you’re wondering what celibacy has to do with yoga! Well, in modern-day society, the concept of Brahmacharya, often associated with celibacy, can be reinterpreted as a practice of redirecting not only sexual energy but all forms of energy and channelling it consciously to personal growth, introspection, and spiritual development.

“The common misconception that Brahmacharya is all about celibacy means it is often overlooked or considered irrelevant in our modern culture.”.


In a mixed-level yoga class, the popularity continues to soar, resulting in diverse abilities, individual needs, and varying energy levels within a single class. Such classes often offer an array of options to ensure that every practitioner can tailor their practice to their unique requirements. Ranging from the option to handstand, vinyasa or skip to childs pose.

However, this scenario can steer us in two directions.

There may be a temptation to keep pace or impress others, but it's vital to pause and reflect on whether adopting a particular posture aligns with you.

Remember, your yoga journey is an intimate connection with your body, independent of external judgments.

Conversely, if you tend to gravitate toward your comfort zone, it might be worth considering a gentle nudge to step outside of this. It is beyond that familiar bubble of routine that we often experience the most profound growth.

So, whether you choose to tread gently or explore uncharted territory, let your yoga practice remain a reflection of your own unique journey.

“Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it.”

— Kyra Davis


In today's world, there's an undue emphasis on busyness, often people confuse this with success. However, the real measure of fulfilment isn't how busy we are but rather the worthiness of our actions.

A packed schedule may impress on the surface but leaves little room for inner peace. Brahmacharya teaches us to wisely channel our energy.

If you're feeling drained, reflect on whether your daily tasks deplete your energy. Taking a few moments each day to pause and breathe.

Slowing down not only provides respite for your body and mind but also enhances awareness of your energy usage. Listen to your body and assess where you direct your energy – is it constructive or draining?

Observe how specific situations impact your physical and energetic well-being. Some interactions may sap your energy, while others ignite a part inside of you. Recognize activities that uplift you, maybe thats yoga. In your daily routine, pay attention not just to what you do but how it influences you.

By understanding how our bodies and minds respond to various situations, we can shape a life that aligns with our well-being and optimally utilizes our energy. Integrating Brahmacharya into our everyday actions allows us to extend our yoga practice beyond the mat, ensuring it serves us in all aspects of life.

Weekly consideration

What behaviours lead you toward your higher purpose and enable you to use your energy wisely?

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.”

-Bob Proctor

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