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Isvara Pranidhana (surrendering to a higher power)

We are at the LAST NIYAMA - that went quickly!

'Isvara,' translating to ‘God,’ ‘Brahman,’ ‘Ultimate Reality,’ or ‘True Self,’ and ‘Pranidhana,’ meaning ‘fixing’ or dedication.

When interpreting this Niyama, it advises individuals to ‘surrender’ to this Supreme Being or higher self, emphasizing the profound and trusting relationship with God or the universe. It encourages framing each action as an offering to something greater.

Yoga, however, does not impose the concept of God or religion. Yet, within the teachings of yoga, there is an acknowledgement of something larger, profound, and purer than the self.

This emphasis likely stems from traditional yoga systems rooted in rituals venerating nature, the universe, or God.


We should always seek in our asana practice to find comfort in the discomfort, embrace our limitations, and discover strategies to navigate through challenging situations. This is where we grow.

Yoga brings us joy, aids in our healing during times of pain, and gives us light in moments of darkness. However, it also serves as a mirror reflecting our resilience when faced with challenges.

Tackling a demanding pose; in these instances demands fortitude. Yet, it's in surrendering to the discomfort, and harnessing the strength is where we undergo personal growth and transformation.

Persisting in a pose for a few more breaths and yielding to its present sensations showcases our immediate strength and demonstrates that even when the mind hesitates, the body affirms our capabilities.

Isvara Pranidhana redefines our asana practice. It shifts the focus from what yoga can provide for us individually to how it enables us to sustain our well-being, empowering us to contribute positively to the world.


In our everyday lives beyond the yoga mat, the essence of Isvara Pranishana manifests more as an embrace of 'what exists' rather than a commitment or surrender. Instead of resisting the twists and turns of life, it entails remaining receptive to experiencing life's unfolding journey.

Clutching onto patterns, habits, and limitations in a fixed and inflexible manner inevitably holds you back from life's potential.

Surrendering proves immensely challenging as it necessitates transcending the ego, which fiercely clings to maintaining control. Removing the layers of conditioning, worries, perceptions, and judgments we tightly hold onto forms the crux, as the ego strives desperately to persist when we endeavour to silence it.

To surrender to the present reality demands trust in our innermost self, relying on intuition, and instead finding the courage to express ourselves without reservations—embracing our flaws and imperfections.

Ultimately, this path leads to liberation and genuine freedom.

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