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Spinal Health Meets Yoga

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Our spine serves as the central support system for the body. However, the modern sedentary lifestyle, coupled with poor posture and stress, often takes a toll on the spine. This can lead to discomfort, reduced flexibility, and even chronic pain. The ancient practice of yoga offers a treasure trove of postures and breathing techniques that target the spine's well-being. From gentle stretches to more dynamic poses, yoga caters to various levels of fitness, making it accessible to people of all ages.

Here are some of the many benefits yoga has on improving and maintaining spinal health:

Improved Flexibility: Regular yoga practice encourages gentle stretching of the spine, increasing its flexibility and range of motion.

Strengthened Core Muscles: ​ Many yoga poses engage the core muscles, including those that support the spine, leading to enhanced stability and reduced risk of injury.

Better Posture: By promoting body awareness and alignment, yoga helps correct poor posture habits, reducing strain on the spine.

Spinal Decompression: Certain yoga poses, such as forward folds and gentle inversions, aid in decompressing the spine, and alleviating pressure on intervertebral discs.

Stress Reduction: Yoga's mindful approach, combined with deep breathing exercises, helps lower stress levels, which can contribute to muscle tension and back pain.

7 years ago I experienced sciatica, although it was mild it caused me a lot of physical discomfort. While unsure of the exact cause, I couldn't ignore the irony that yoga seemed to have a hand in it. Despite this, I did not abandon my practice. Instead, I did my research to understand the issue better. Armed with knowledge, I incorporated daily glute lengthening and piriformis stretching exercises into my yoga routine. Of course, the discomfort didn’t magically disappear but, I practised regularly.

Within a few weeks, the pain subsided. It was a revelation that yoga, while seemingly the culprit, turned out ​also to be the healer. This hopefully showcases how yoga, when ​​practised mindfully, consistently can help us to learn more about our bodies and even more so, ourselves. ​T​his leads ​​nicely onto one of my favourite quotes “​Y​oga does not change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees” B.K.S Iyengar.

​I​'d love to recommend How Yoga Works by Michael Roach. The narrative takes you on a journey to an ashram in the Himalayas, offering a blend of traditional philosophy and modern insights ​i​nto yoga. You also experience ​the transformation of someone who first encounters yoga with back pain. It’s a great read, so please do email me if you give it a go!

Trailing back, the fact that yoga can enhance spinal health cannot be overstated. Through regular practice, we can strengthen, lengthen, and nurture our spines, providing a strong foundation for a healthy life. I’m excited to be in the process of creating ​the Healthy Spine Series on Centred (launching in Autumn) you can expect to find some short Yoga For a Healthy Back classes that you can squeeze into your daily lives.

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